opinions can change

I am of the opinion, that opinions can change.

If someone has an opinion that can not change i would classify this a belief, not an opinion.

This is as for opinions being based on the sum of the available knowledge regarding the matter and as knowledge is something one can gain or less commonly lose, they are of a variable nature.

Beliefs on the other hand are of an ideological, humanly irrational nature.

It is not that beliefs can not change, but they will not change based on few points of knowledge, rather drift over time, just as any aspect of the human experience will drift as time passes.

Now that I have expressed my opinion on the variability of opinions; that i hope you are able to understand that any writers stance on any matter is subject to change.

word smithing



As an automotived mental exercise and to expand my phraseology, I like to play with words, phrases, dysphemisms, etc..


Some past results of this were;

  • the phrase of “drive by photo-booth” as euphemism for speeding-camera.

  • the term “fwiends/(friends) im blue” as euphemism for the police (common governmental organisation NOT the music group).

  • “automotivated” to fill a gap (at least to my knowledge) in the english lexis to improve expressing myself using fewer words; to share both circumstance and mindset of my word smithing; used synonymously to “I truly do it for no particular reason with no exterior motivation”.

As I have (hopefully successfully) expressed in the prior lines of this text, I truly “have not the slightest” as for the causes of me smithing words.

Though I may speculate.

Language has the grandest potential for elegance.


This to the point where I would claim;

that few, if any beings to (have) exist(-ed), have and will ever even approach utilisation of any language.

Then again, I am a scholar of two, master of none and therefore ignorant to the vast majority of human language potential.

Herewith I put forth the hypothesis that I “word smith” to maximise the distance to the brutish use of language(s).


Post Scriptum:

For a while now I’d thought of “word smithing” as a creation of mine; turns out it has been sighted in the wild, in the way(s) I use the term.